
Showing posts from October, 2016


You are the one thing I can't get rid of, from my mind. You're like the nightmare which keeps haunting. Your thoughts send a shiver down my spine, still. It's an ocean and I drown in them everytime, trying to stay afloat. Your voice still echoes faintly in my head. Was it yours or was it mine, the mistake, my love? 

The Bitter Me

I'm not here to write for you a fairytale, a story where you nevertheless have a happy ending. No, I'm not here for that. I'm here for the chilling reality. Things which are bitter. I'm giving you meaning to words like failure, struggle and betrayal. You will face them and let me give you a glimpse of it, to make you get accustomed to it. Let me be different, atleast. You might not like it. But, everything which happens in your journey doesn't happen the way you like. That's life. And you accept it.